Crighton EJ, Phipps E, Smith GN, Ahmed R, Cook JL, Masuda JR, Osornio-Vargas AR, Sanborn M, Brennan LJ, Phillips KP and on behalf of the PEHE Collaboration. Environmental health attitudes, practices, and educational preferences: A national survey of reproductive-aged women in Canada. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 21(11). 2024.
Laferriere K, Crighton EJ. “During pregnancy would have been a good time to get that information”: Mothers’ concerns and information needs regarding environmental health risks to their children. International Journal of Health Promotion and Education. 55(2):96-105. 2017.
Crighton EJ, Abelsohn A, Blake J, Enders J, Kilroy K, Lanphear B, Marshall L, Phipps E, Smith G. Beyond alcohol and tobacco smoke: are we doing enough to reduce fetal toxicant exposure? Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology of Canada (JOGC). 38(1):56-60. 2016.
Laferriere K, Crighton EJ, C, Baxter J, Masuda J, Lemyre L, Ursitti F. Examining inequities in children’s environmental health: Results of a survey on the risk perceptions and protective actions of new mothers. Journal of Risk Research. 19(3):271-287. 2014
Crighton EJ, Brown C, Baxter J, Masuda J, Lemyre L, Ursitti F. Perceptions and experiences of environmental health risks among new mothers: A qualitative study in Ontario, Canada. Health, Risk and Society 15(4). 295-312. 2013.
Phipps E, Crighton E. The next generation of Canada’s Maternal-Infant Research on Chemicals (MIREC): PEHE-MIREC Consultation Report. Prepared for Health Canada, 2022.
Crighton Eric J. EduTOX Video Challenge: Final Project Report. Prepared for Health Canada. 2018.
Crighton EJ, Briere M. EduTOX Video Challenge: Final Project Report. Prepared for Health Canada. 2016.
Crighton, Eric J. Final Report of the Prenatal Environmental Health Education (PEHE) Forum, November 20-21, 2014, University of Ottawa.
Phipps E et Crighton E. Health Impacts of Environmental Toxic Exposures: Building capacity for education and advocacy on environmental toxic exposures. Saskatchewan Prevention Institute (SPI) Webinar. February 8th, 2022. Watch here:
Crighton E et Phipps E. Building capacity for education and advocacy on environmental toxic exposures. University of Saskatchewan OBGYN Grand Rounds. Oct 13th, 2021
Phipps E et Crighton E. Building capacity for education and advocacy on environmental toxic exposures. Saskatchewan Registered Nurses Association Rounds. Oct 6th, 2021
Crighton EJ. Integrating prenatal environmental health education into practice. Seminar for the Society for Obstetricians and Gynecologists of Canada (SOGC). Ottawa, ON. February 15th, 2017.
Crighton EJ. Environmental Toxins and our Health. Women’s Health Forum. Sunnybrook Health Science Centre, Toronto Ontario. January 10th, 2017.
Crighton EJ. The EduTOX Video Challenge: Launching an environmental health youth outreach initiative. The Sandbox Project Annual Conference. Toronto, ON. January 21st, 2016.
Crighton EJ. Are we doing enough to reduce childhood toxicant exposures? Rotary Club of Ottawa Meeting. Ottawa, ON. February 23rd, 2016
Crighton EJ. Children, Health and the Environment. Langois-Phipps Seminar Series. Department of Geography, Environment and Geomatics. Ottawa, ON. January 14th, 2016.
Crighton EJ. Beyond alcohol and tobacco smoke: are we doing enough to reduce fetal toxicant exposure? Registered Nurses Association of Ontario Annual Meeting. Ottawa, ON. Oct 26, 2015.
Crighton EJ. Keynote Presentation: Environmental Health Risks to Infants: Towards an understanding of environmental health perceptions, protective actions and educational needs among new mothers. Ottawa Public Health, Healthy Babies Healthy Children Annual Meeting. Ottawa, ON. May 26, 2015.
Articles de presse
Pests, mould, toxic chemicals among on-the-job concerns flagged by child-care workers. Article in the Toronto Star by Glada Alsharif. April 28, 2022
Common toxins make big difference in brain development. Article in The Toronto Star by Bruce Lanphear, Erica Phipps, Eric Crighton, and Barbara McElgunn.