Reimagining Research

Reimagining Research - A feasibility study to explore a community-centred approach to health research on environmental chemicals

About the Reimagining Research project: Researchers at Health Canada and the University of Ottawa are conducting a feasibility study in collaboration with local partners in two communities, Hamilton and Ottawa, Ontario, to explore how environmental health research can be redesigned to better serve the needs of communities facing environmental injustice. The goal is to inform the design of future environmental health research so that is is more accessible, trust-worthy, feasible, and without harm for people in low-income, racialized and newcomer communities.

Racialized and low-income communities often bear a disproportionate burden of exposure to environmental chemicals and pollution, with associated harm to health and well-being. Yet that reality is not well reflected in current scientific studies in Canada, which often involve higher-income and mostly white participants.

To address this gap, Health Canada commissioned the feasibility study with the PEHE Collaboration’s lead researchers. Using qualitative and mixed-methods research, the feasibility study team is engaging with local service providers and residents in each community to explore key considerations and potential features of a community-based approach to the design and implementation of longitudinal biomonitoring research on environmental chemicals. The findings from the feasibility study will inform the design of future environmental health research studies that are more inclusive and beneficial to communities experiencing socio-economic marginalization and environmental injustice.

Reimagining Research is funded by Health Canada and closely linked with the Maternal-Infant Research on Environmental Chemicals (MIREC) research platform.

Project Partners

The Reimagining Research project is designed and implemented by a team that includes uOttawa and MIREC researchers, other Health Canada colleagues, and local research team members from each study community.

Our local partners in Hamilton include the Hamilton Community Legal Clinic, City of Hamilton Public Health and the Immigrants Working Centre.

Our local partners in Ottawa include the Ottawa Coalition of Community Houses, Ottawa Public Health, Sandy Hill Community Health Centre and Brittania Woods Community House.

Phase 1: Roundtables with local organizations

As a first phase of the feasibility study, the research team convened roundtable discussions with health and social service providers and community leaders in Hamilton (November 2023) and Ottawa (February 2024). The Phase 1 roundtables helped to set the stage for the Phase 2 knowledge sharing conversations with community members.

Phase 2: Community Knowledge Sharing Conversations

Community knowledge sharing conversations are underway in Hamilton (December 2024) and Ottawa (February 2025). The community conversations are an opportunity for local residents and research team members to share perspectives and knowledge on environmental health concerns and co-create ideas on how environmental health research can better serve communities facing environmental injustice


Graphic: Reimagining Research [English]

Whiteboard video: What is Biomonitoring Health Research?

Graphic: Key terms [English] [French] [Arabic] [Farsi]